Keep on rolling with original inner tubes for your Xiaomi Scooter tires. This type of inner tube will fit 10 inch tires. You can replace both front and rear tires with the same type of inner tube.
RECOMMENDED: during the replacement procedure, if you find rubber chips after disassembly, we recommend changing the tire as well. You can find a selection of fine scooter tires on our e-shop.
Depending on your needs and preferences, you can purchase the Original CST inner tube, which is both sturdy and long-lasting. If you’re a heavy scooter user, upgrade by opting for the Reinforced model, to keep your wheels rolling longer.
Stay safe and roll on with tire inner tubes, made specially for Xiaomi Scooter!
The product is suitable for the following e-scooter models – XIAOMI: M365, PRO, PRO2, 1S, Essential